I’m so excited you made it here! A New Day is all about a new mindset! I want you to take charge of your child’s educational setting. I want you to embrace that you are the expert on your child. I want you to join me on this crazy cool lifestyle of homeschooling!
The first thing you need to do is to choose a way learn about homeschooling from Nevada’s foremost homeschool mom (ME!)
- Attend an upcoming group Introduction to Homeschooling workshop
- Register for an online pre-recorded course
- Schedule a 1-1 phone call
You can also follow me on my crazy cool homeschooling journey. It will excite you about learning and give you ample ideas to incorporate into your own homeschool! Follow me on Facebook
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You can expect to see many new courses added over time. They are all for YOU! To help YOU! Please take advantage of my experience and knowledge! See Courses